A thirteen-year-old boy in Ile-ewe in Iba, Lagos, had his two fingers cut off and one of the two fingers thrown inside the gutter in front of their compound today, 1st January, 2015.
The boy, Nnaemeka, fondly called Emmy by friends, was cleaning the compound with other neighbours this morning when he got attracted by the sound of his mother throwing christmas crackers popularly known as 'Shakees bangers', an explosive that gives off eight different loud sounds at once. He left the cleaning team and went to collect some of the 'bangers' from his mother at the back of the house and started throwing them around.
Luck ran out on him when the banger exploded in his hand, cutting off one of his fingers and throwing it into the gutter.
He was taken to God's Care Hospital but the Doctor who responded to them at the speed of light was unable to suture or do anything about the second dangling finger resulting in its loss.
Disheartening, won't you say? What a way to start the new year!
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