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Saturday, 31 January 2015

Tribute To My Dad- Samson Ovie Amarie

Mr Samson Amarie
TRIBUTE TO MY DAD Setting pen to paper to write a tribute to my Dad got me thinking:

 How can I say a few words that will do justice to all of the years of love and strength that my dad gave!  How can I tell a story of my Dad that conveys the message of what his love and strength has meant to me (and us ALL)!

 During his last days, I learned much about him – a rather private man whom no one really
did know.   My dad was a Man Of Few Words (hereafter referred to as MOFW). And it wasn’t due to feeling uncomfortable around others. Neither did it stem from being shy. It was just a style for how he talks (oops! I still think about him in present tense.); short and to the point.

He was a man of action, not of words; a man, who spoke concisely or not at all. He thought twice before he spoke. MOFW, Life was too precious to you, and all you could do was live it. Even though you reached a phenomenal 84, I wish you were still alive.

You simply accepted ‘what is in life’. You seemed to naturally embody “calmness”! No matter what your experiences brought you ( loss, joy, pain), you never commented or complained. Instead, you smiled. You gave me two most precious things for my whole life. One was love with sacrifice…and more love; the second was education with spirituality.

 But most importantly you taught me about character. You always did what was right, even when no one was looking. Your integrity was impeccable. I never heard you lie and your eyes always demanded the same truth in return. My mental snapshot of your character still fuels and energizes my life today.

 In all your relationships, you never believed a lot of give and take. You were permanently at the point of “give and give”. You were a Man, gentle in your MANnerisms, You went about your way never looking for glory. Giving your all while leaving behind a great story. This tribute is about a man who lived such an exemplary life- My dad.

 I hope that the real tribute to MOFW will be the actions of my (our) lives – That we are a testament to the love and lessons that he instilled in us all. That I would be as gentle, kind and generous as he was. That I may seek to bring joy to those around me as he sought.

 Papa, thoughts of your demise still squeeze my heart in pain. Your being my dad was a treasure. Rare. I will never forget you, oh, not ever.


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