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Thursday 14 April 2016

9 Photos of Imperfection That Will Annoy The Perfectionist in You

Are you a perfectionist? You have a passion for order? Sorry perfectionist dear, there are others who think you should try pragmatism.

The Navajo Indians always leave a small flaw in all their works because nothing, to them,  is perfect. As
much as orderly things are easier for our brains to make sense of,  it still takes all kinds of people to make the  world go round and if we all stayed in lines, the  world would be such a boring place to live in.

Below are a collection of imperfection that will infuriate the perfectionist in you:
It's a cake. Who cares how it's cut, it goes down same way, lol.

These are my pills. Why does it matter where I take them from?

What is wrong with putting a random off colour (red) in like that? Pure chaos!

No pattern, no reason. Just want to watch the  world burn!

Who screws up a flower pattern like this? The florist who doesn't care about order, of course!

Flipped seat. So what?

There's literally no wrong way to eat a Kit Kat!

The colour I ugly enough, the flawed pattern may just draw a little attention!

Randomeness: a pet peeve!
Which is the most infuriating photo?

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