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Thursday, 23 May 2013

Food tip: How Best to Store And Preserve Leftover Onions

Onions stored in sturdy paper grocery bags 

* Do not store onions and potatoes (or any other root vegetable) together. The potatoes will rot quicker. Instead, store potatoes
together with a slice of ginger to keep them longer.

* Store your onions in a cool, dark place: Do not store onions in the fridge or inside a cupboard on the shelf because they will shrivel up, grow eyes, or go bad much faster than they ought to.  If the space is too warm, your onions will begin to sprout and if it is too cold, the onions will start to rot.

* Storing onions in the plastic bags with which they are brought home from the store leads to mold and sprouting. They need to live in a dry, breathable container like baskets!

* Hate buying baskets? Thankfully, sturdy paper grocery bags provide a great solution. Just cut them off an inch or two below the upper fold.  So store onions in an open basket or sturdy paper grocery bags and use them up within a couple of weeks.

* Wrap leftover onions and store them in the refrigerator. Half onions often remain from preparing meals. To properly store these remnants for use later, wrap the onion in plastic and place in the vegetable drawer in the refrigerator.

Readers, what else would you suggest? Leave a comment.

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