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Monday, 27 May 2013

To remove the smell from your fridge and other food tips

*To remove the smell from your fridge, place chunks of charcoal inside it.
*Clean and freeze chicken immediately after buying in order to
prevent bacteria from forming.
*Fruits and vegetables with edible skin are high in fiber.
*Rice is actually good for people with high cholesterol levels because it has no fats and has very low Sodium content.
*In choosing fish, choose those without odour. The fish should have bright and clear eyes, smooth and shiny scales and firm flesh.

*In buying peppers, choose those that are brightly-colored, shiny and firm to the touch.
*How do you know if an egg is hard-boiled or raw? A hard-boiled egg spins when spun. A raw egg just wobbles when spun.
*Cucumber is a good snack for those who are on a diet.
*Aside from sunlight which is a known source of vitamin D. Cod liver oil, egg yolk and liver also contain vitamin D.
*Prepare all your ingredients before cooking to avoid wasting cooking- time.
*Do not cook shrimps for too long for it makes them tough and rubbery.
*Vitamin B1 prevents loss of appetite and constipation. Pork is a good source of this vitamin.
*Shells of fresh eggs are supposed to be rough and chalky


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