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Saturday, 25 May 2013

Tips on getting Onion Smell Off Your Hands and preventing crying while chopping Onions

Most families are treated to sumptuous dishes on Saturdays, a work-free day because the stress of the other working days do not allow the splurge.  

   Onions gives a savoury taste and aroma to various dishes, and is
used to prepare lots of recipes, ranging from soup to stews and from salads 
to entrées.

   Though many people appreciate the aroma of onions in cooking, most of 
them do not like the fact that it makes them cry while cutting as well as its 
odour when it gets into their hands and skin. The smell gets insidious 
and annoying after preparing a delicious meal, making it difficult to 
get rid of it. Now, you do not have to give up cooking to avoid the 
odour or the crying. With a few simple tips, you can easily prevent the 
tears and get rid of the nasty smell of onions off your hands.

   Soak onions in water for 5 minutes after peeling it and cutting it in 
half. This will prevent you from crying when you are slicing 
them. Another way of preventing crying while chopping onions is chewing 
gum while chopping. Read on further to know how to remove the odious 

 *One of the best ways to get rid of the onion smell is to rub against 
the rim of a stainless steel sink. The sulfides in the onion will react 
with the stainless steel then lift and remove the odour-causing compounds 
from your hands.

 *Wash your hands well and rinse them with a little milk. This also helps 
in removing the onion odour.

  *Place a small, pea-sized amount of toothpaste on your palm and rub 
vigorously. Wash your hands with the paste and rinse off thereafter. Be 
sure to use the paste-type toothpaste and not the clear gel-type one.

  *Mix some ordinary baking soda with water, to form a paste. Rub the 
paste on your hands and rinse with cold water.

  *Place a tablespoon of table salt on your palms and add enough water to 
make a paste. Rub all over your hands and rinse off. The salt will help 
in getting rid of the odour and also exfoliate your hands, making them 
  *Dip your hands in a bowl of tomato juice for 5 minutes. Thereafter, 
wash them with a liquid detergent, using cold water.

  *Squeeze enough lemon juice in a bowl to cover your hands. Dip your 
hands in the juice for 3 minutes and rinse off. You can also use 
vinegar mouthwash for the purpose.

  *Rub your hands with peanut butter and rinse off in cold water. Though 
your hands are likely to become a little greasy afterwards, the smell 
will vanish and you can wash your hands to get rid of the greasiness.

  *Peel a large orange and break the outer skin. Rub the flesh of the 
orange into your hands, for about 2 minutes. Rinse off your hands and 
repeat, if necessary.

  .*Peel a potato and rub it into your hands to get rid of the onion smell 
from your hands.

Onions  placed around the room saved many from the black plague years 
ago. They have powerful antibacterial, antiseptic properties.

One more thing, never store cut onions...and consume the next day.

1 comment:

  1. I see comments on this post from my e-mail but can't see it on the post! and I so wish to get back to the person


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